Qwik-Cert offers examinees the opportunity to review the material, take a diagnostic practice exam and then meet with an ANSI accredited exam instructor, who will assist with analysis and comprehension of the required material. The instructor, also a certified proctor administers the Food Protection Managers Certification exam.

TIME, a major factor in food safety; don’t let it be a factor keeping you from being certified.

Qwik-Cert is recommended for food service professionals who have previous experience in the industry and/or are familiar with current food safety practices and procedures. For those individuals with less experience, we recommend our “Enhanced QWIK-CERT”. The enhanced version in addition to the above receives a 10 modular online Food Protection Manager Certification ONLINE course.

QC  $239.  on sale now $219.

EQC $329.  on sale now $299.


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 *All FnaSafety sales come with FREE email and/or toll-free phone support.

QWIK-CERT and Enhanced QWIK-CERT are training products of Food and Alcohol Safety Classes, a division of the Integrated Food Service Consulting Corp. All of FnaSafety affiliate instructors are certified instructors for one or more of the four nationally ANSI accredited exams and are fully authorized by those entities to administer these exams nationwide.


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